Wednesday, February 4, 2009


"It's the perfect crime, both low- risk and high-profit," said Gadi Evron, a computer security researcher for an Israel-based firm, Beyond Security, who coordinates an international volunteer effort to fight botnets. "The war to make the Internet safe was lost long ago, and we need to figure out what to do now."

The above quotation showed that internet crime problem was so he heavy now. Actually, what's going on? A recent headline claims that internet crime is more profitable than the drugs trade. How can this be true? Trafficking in drugs is a mature criminal enterprise, large scale professional Internet crime only emerged in the past five years. The number of daily security alerts issued by VeriSign iDefense increased from 21 per day to 59, a 180% rise. If the claim that Internet crime already earns $105 billion a year is true and the growth rate is even a fraction of that, we are in very, very serious trouble. Internet crime is certainly a serious problem that will get much worse in the short term. But work is already underway to mitigate the immediate impact of Internet crime and major changes to the Internet infrastructure are being planned that will make its fabric considerably more resistant to Internet crime.

As our responsible as Malaysian, we consider to investigate n study more about this problem. This blog will discuss about
the definition of internet crime, the kinds of internet crime that exist today, the ways we can be exposed to the internet crime, the effects of internet crime to the society and the ways to protect ourselves from the risks of internet crime.

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